Tuesday, August 19, 2014

WARANGAL Rock salt Miracles (Himalayan Crystal Salt): Water and Salt - The Essence of Life

Rock salt Miracles (Himalayan Crystal Salt): Water and Salt - The Essence of Life: Never before has there been such a fascinating book about the fundamental two essential elements needed for achieving and maintainin...

WARANGAL Rock salt Miracles (Himalayan Crystal Salt): Water and Salt - The Essence of Life

Rock salt Miracles (Himalayan Crystal Salt): Water and Salt - The Essence of Life: Never before has there been such a fascinating book about the fundamental two essential elements needed for achieving and maintainin...

Study Reveals Profound Life-Giving Properties of Himalayan Crystal Salt

Results of a comprehensive, scientific research project studying the effects of water and salt on a myriad of body functions reveal some impressive indicators about the affect that drinking Fiji Water and taking Himalayan Crystal Salt can have on the body.
A nine-week double-blind university study undertaken in 2003 at the Inter-University of Graz, Austria, examined the effects of drinking a minimum of 1.5 liters of tap water per day with common table salt vs. a minimum of 1.5 liters of FIJI Water with Himalayan Crystal Salt on physical and psychological functions of the body.
In the study, patients who drank Fiji Water together with the Himalayan Crystal Salt saw significant positive changes in respiratory, circulatory, organ, connective tissue and nervous system functions. Patients also reported increases in the quality of sleep, energy and concentration levels, brain activity, weight loss, enhanced consciousness and noticeable nail and hair growth....
Metaphysical Properties
Salt Sole RocksThe energy vibration of the translucent crystals of salt amplifiy the ethereal fluid in the etheric body and the crystalline properties in the physical body. Crystalline properties in the physical body are found in cell salts throughout the lymphatic systems, thymus gland, pineal gland, red and white corpuscles, and regenerative properties within the muscular tissue. Amplification of the body's crystalline properties increases clairvoyance, telepathy, and receptivity to healing. Our human energy field operates on similar principle of electromagnetism, therefore, the translucent salt crystal becomes an extension of our own vibrations. The energy will intermingle with our own, and when properly programmed through meditation, can liberate the mind into discovering potentially unlimited awareness. In order to gain more conscious knowledge about our emotional, intellectual and physical states, we share our energy with the crystal salt. The combination of our relatively inconsistent vibrations together with the balancing ones of the crystal, can bridge the gap between our physical, mental spiritual selves. The astrological sign of the crystal salt is Pisces, and the vibration number is one.
Rediscover your inner self.
No Thoughts and No Actions Without Salt
Remember, energy and information are two terms used to describe the same thing. Even the simplest processes in our body need salt, or its inherent elements (ionized energy). Our nervous system is really a sophisticated energy network. It transmits stimulation that is recorded via sensory input (all of our senses are actually energy receptors, our eyes receive waves of energy,information in the form of light frequencies, our ears receive sound frequencies or patterns of energy and our nose senses odors, also electrical charges in the atmosphere) Everything in the universe works by the fundamental principals of energy! Anyway, these sensory inputs that travel to our brain are passed on to to our muscles in order for them to react to the respective stimuli (electrical current). An electric potential occurs on the membrane wall of a cell when the positively charged potassium ions leave the cells and the positively charged sodium ions cannot enter due to their size. The outside becomes positively charged and the inside, negatively charged. When a nerve cell is stimulated, its membrane suddenly becomes polar opposite and is permeable for the sodium ions, allowing the electrical charge to enter. Without the elements of potassium and sodium is salt, none of this is possible. Not even a single thought, let alone an action, is possible without their presence. First comes the thought, a wave of energy received in the brain. This thought is nothing more than an electromagnetic frequency. The salt is responsible for enabling this frequency to transmit commands to the muscles and organs.
Salt Crystal Lamps
According to research, the heated salt crystal lamps can be referred to as natural ion generators. When the sun heats up our largest natural salt solutions, the oceans, it generates the natural energy vibration that our entire global environment consists of. The Translucent salt crystal creates exactly the same natural energy field. Scientifically speaking, this natural ionization process takes place millions of times, invisible to the eye, and without any influence of the quality of the crystal. Similar to the concept whereby tree leaves absorb dangerous dioxides and transform them into essential oxygen, without damaging the plant.
Crystal salt is one of the few minerals whose atomic structure is bound electrically, not molecularly. This characteristic of the mineral structure enables the crystal to change back and forth from crystalline to liquid state. This natural ionization creates an electric charge, a pure natural energy vibration.
The crystal salt lamp can help neutralize the positive ions and electromagnetic field frequencies. Therefore, our human energy field will be balanced through the harmonizing energy vibration of the crystal. This can help with relaxation, strengthen the immune system, the heart, the adrenals, the thyroid, to mention just a few of our major physical body functions.
Mohd.sajid siddiqui

Himalayan Rock Salt, the Purest Salt on Earth

Himalayan Rock Salt, the Purest Salt on 


Despite numerous adverse reports, salt is actually essential for life -- you cannot live without it.

However, there are big differences between the refined table salt and the health-promoting natural salt.
The table salt is actually 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents and iodine. Dried at over 648 degrees Celsius, the excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt.
And the so-called natural sea salt is often contaminated with man-made pollutants, because the seas have long been polluted by man
Himalaya Rock Crystal Salt is the most pristine and unpolluted salt on earth. The origin of Himalaya Rock Crystal Salt goes back to over 100 million years.
In ancient days, it was more precious than gold. It was used by ancient Ayurvedic seers who found it suitable against various diseases.
Today, Himalaya Rock Crystal Salt brings you the same prehistoric, pollution-free, artificial chemical-free yet mineral-rich natural salt. 100% Himalaya Rock Crystal Salt contains many natural trace minerals required by our body in minute quantities.

The benefits:

  • Regulating the water content in your body.
  • Promoting a healthy pH balance in your cells, particularly your brain cells.
  • Promoting blood sugar health and helping to reduce the signs of aging.
  • Assisting in the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in your body.
  • Absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract.
  • Supporting respiratory health.
  • Promoting sinus health.
  • Prevention of muscle cramps.
  • Promoting bone strength.
  • Regulating your sleep -- it naturally promotes sleep.
  • Supporting your libido.
  • Promoting vascular health.
  • In conjunction with water it is actually essential for the regulation of your blood pressur

Health benefits of Sendha Namak

Strong Immune System

Naturally helps you to build up a strong immune system.

Alkalizing – Anti Acidic

Rock salt is alkalizing to the body, as it has not been exposed to high heat and stripped of its minerals, nor does it have any harmful man-made ingredients added to it. Thus it can help you to prevent and reverse high levels of acids in the body, which in turn eliminates the risks for serious and life-threatening diseases.

Weight Loss

Believe it or not, but Rock salt can also help you in weight loss. It helps the body to create digestive juices so that the foods you eat are digested faster, and it helps to prevent buildup in the digestive tract, which eventually can lead to constipation and weight gain.

Skin Conditions

A rock salt bath can help to relieve dry and itchy skin as well as serious conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. The bath naturally opens up the pores, improves circulation in the skin and hydrates the tissues so that your skin can heal.


Rock salt is effective in reducing inflammation in the respiratory system. Thus the production of phlegm is slowed down so that you can breathe easier again. Some say that sprinkling Rock salt on the tongue after drinking a glass of water is just as effective as using an inhaler. But the great thing about Rock salt is that it has no side effects when taken in moderation.

Hearth Health

When salt is taken with water it can help to reduce high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and help to regulate an irregular heartbeat. Thus Rock salt can help to prevent atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.


Rock salt can help to reduce the need for insulin by helping to maintain proper sugar levels in the body. Thus the salt is an essential part of the diet if you are diabetic, or at risk for the disease.


Just over 1/4 of the amount of salt that is in the body is stored in the bones, where it helps to keep them strong. When the body lacks salt and water it begins to draw the sodium from the bones, which then eventually can lead to osteoporosis. Thus by drinking plenty of water and consuming salt in moderation you can prevent osteoporosis.

Muscle Spasms

Potassium is essential for helping the muscles to function properly. Rock salt not only contains small amounts of potassium, but it also helps the body to absorb it better from other foods. Thus it is effective in helping to prevent muscle pains, spasms and cramps.


Rock salt also has shown to be effective in treating various types of depression. The salt helps to preserve two essential hormones in the body that help you to better deal with stress. These hormones are serotonin and melatonin, which help you to feel good, and relax and sleep better at night.

Beauty Benefits

Rock salt can be used as a body scrub. Since high in mineral content, it is a perfect substitute for spa standard products made at home.

Uses of Rock Salt

  • Gargling -:Stir 1/2 teaspoon salt in an 8-ounce glass of warm water for use as a gargle for sore throats.
  • Cleaning teeth -: Mix one part salt to two parts baking soda after pulverizing the salt in a blender or rolling it on a kitchen board with a tumbler before mixing. It whitens teeth, helps remove plaque and it is healthy for the gums.
  • Washing mouth -: Mix equal parts of salt and baking soda as a mouth wash that sweetens the breath.
  • Bathing eyes -: Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a pint of water and use the solution to bathe tired eyes.
  • Reducing eye puffiness -: Mix one teaspoon of salt in a pint of hot water and apply pads soaked in the solution on the puffy areas.
  • Relieving tired feet -: Soak aching feet in warm water to which a handful of salt has been added. Rinse in cool water.
  • Relieving bee stings -: If stung, immediately wet the spot and cover with salt to relieve the pain.
  • Treating mosquito and chigger bites -: Soak in saltwater, then apply a mixture of lard and salt.
  • Treating poison ivy -: Soaking the exposed part in hot saltwater helps hasten the end to poison ivy irritation.
  • Relieving fatigue -: Soak relaxed for at least ten minutes in a tub of water into which several handfuls of salt has been placed.
  • Removing dry skin -: After bathing and while still wet give yourself a massage with dry salt. It removes dead skin particles and aids the circulation.
  • Applying facial -: For a stimulating facial, mix equal parts of salt and olive oil and gently massage the face and throat with long upward and inward strokes. Remove mixture after five minutes and wash face.
  • Removing tattoos -: Called salabrasion, this technique involves rubbing salt on the tattoo and requires several treatments. Healing is required between sessions, but there is virtually no scarrin

Water and Salt - The Essence of Life

Never before has there been such a fascinating book about the fundamental two essential elements needed for achieving and maintaining vibrant health. From the first day that this book was introduced in Germany two years ago, it was an immediate bestseller. Millions of people have changed their lives in respect to water and salt with the profound scientific information presented herein in an easy-to-read format that everyone is able to understand. We are happy to now make our English speaking readers acquainted with the subjects of Water and Salt so that they too may find better understanding and respect for these most essential elements. We also hope that thousands of doctors, scientists, alternative practitioners and therapists will embrace this natural knowledge to help mankind in a natural way.
Initially, the process of water filtration and its delivery into the cells is more efficient at night when the body is horizontal. The collected water, that mostly pools in the legs, does not have to fight the force of gravity to get onto the blood circulation. If reliance of this process of emergency hydration of some cells continues for long, the lungs begin to get waterlogged at night, and breathing becomes difficult. The person needs more pillows to sit upright to sleep. This condition is the consequence of dehydration. However, you might overload the system by drinking too much water at the beginning. Increases in water intake must be slow and spread out until urine production begins to increase at the same rate that you drink water.
When we drink enough water to pass clear urine, we also pass out a lot of the salt that was held back. This is how we can get rid of edema fluid in the body; by drinking more water. Not diuretics, but more water!! In people who have an extensive edema and show signs of their heart beginning to have irregular or very rapid beats with least effort, the increase in water intake should be gradual and spaced out, but not withheld from the body. Naturally, salt intake should be limited for two or three days because the body is still in an overdrive mode to retain it. Once the edema has cleared up, salt should not be withheld from the body.

Water and Salt - The Essence of Life

Never before has there been such a fascinating book about the fundamental two essential elements needed for achieving and maintaining vibrant health. From the first day that this book was introduced in Germany two years ago, it was an immediate bestseller. Millions of people have changed their lives in respect to water and salt with the profound scientific information presented herein in an easy-to-read format that everyone is able to understand. We are happy to now make our English speaking readers acquainted with the subjects of Water and Salt so that they too may find better understanding and respect for these most essential elements. We also hope that thousands of doctors, scientists, alternative practitioners and therapists will embrace this natural knowledge to help mankind in a natural way.
Initially, the process of water filtration and its delivery into the cells is more efficient at night when the body is horizontal. The collected water, that mostly pools in the legs, does not have to fight the force of gravity to get onto the blood circulation. If reliance of this process of emergency hydration of some cells continues for long, the lungs begin to get waterlogged at night, and breathing becomes difficult. The person needs more pillows to sit upright to sleep. This condition is the consequence of dehydration. However, you might overload the system by drinking too much water at the beginning. Increases in water intake must be slow and spread out until urine production begins to increase at the same rate that you drink water.
When we drink enough water to pass clear urine, we also pass out a lot of the salt that was held back. This is how we can get rid of edema fluid in the body; by drinking more water. Not diuretics, but more water!! In people who have an extensive edema and show signs of their heart beginning to have irregular or very rapid beats with least effort, the increase in water intake should be gradual and spaced out, but not withheld from the body. Naturally, salt intake should be limited for two or three days because the body is still in an overdrive mode to retain it. Once the edema has cleared up, salt should not be withheld from the body.
Himalayan Crystal Salt. - Step-by-step instructions
When water and salt combined, they form a new dimension, Sole (So-lay). Sole is Alive! It's the fundamental mineral infusion for your body. You can replace electrolytes and balance your energy simply and naturally by drinking a Sole solution each day. The sole is an excellent product for balancing the pH factor of your body.With the sole, one can also get rid of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, amalgam and calcium because the crystal salt is able to break up their molecular structures.

Making Sole (So-lay) - step by step instructions
Step 1.
Everyone knows that salt dissolves in water, right? But did you know that if you keep adding salt to a glass of water you'll get to a point where the water becomes super-salty or saturated with salt? Did you also know that when the water becomes super-salty or saturated with salt that the salt will just sit on the bottom of the glass without dissolving? This is exactly what Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole is, super- saturated, salty water. Here's how to make it.
Place 1 inch of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt stones in a glass jar, preferably one with a lid. Add 2 to 3 inches of good quality artesian or spring water (Fiji Water is recommended), above the stones, completely covering the crystals with water. Let sit overnight.
Step 2.
If all the salt crystals have dissolved, add a few more salt crystals to the water. Your Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole is ready when the water becomes fully saturated with salt and cannot hold any more. The salt will no longer dissolve at this stage. There should always be salt crystals in the jar. As you use up the Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole, after some time, add more water and more salt until the water is again saturated. Remember, there should always be undissolved salt crystals on the bottom of the jar. This is your visual proof that the water is totally saturated with salt.
Step 3.
Each morning, before eating or drinking anything, add one teaspoon of the Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole to a glass of artesian or spring water (again, Fiji Water is recommended), and drink. Your body will receive the energetic vibration pattern of the Himalayan Crystal Salt and hold it for 24 hours. 
Keep the container covered to prevent the water from evaporating. Otherwise, no special storage is needed. The fully saturated Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole will keep forever ! Salt is a natural anti-bacterial and natural fungicide. It simply cannot spoil or go bad. Golden Sole - a blend of ORMUS monatomic gold and other monatomic elements.
Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole - an Ocean of Energy
When water and Himalayan Crystal Salt connect, the negative poles of the water molecules surround the positive ions in the salt and the negative ions in the salt are surrounded by the positive polarized particles of the water molecules. This changes the geometric structure of the water and the salt, and creates something entirely new, a third dimension. The water no longer is water and the salt no longer salt. The elements have liberated themselves from their restrictions, given up their polarities by the resonant effects, and reached a higher form of energy. Only through this process of attaining higher levels of consciousness, can we relinquish our polarities and return into the oneness of all elements. This is exactly what transpires when water and salt meet. The willingness of the water to give up its own identity, in return, liberates the salt from its manifested identity, to overcome the powers of the gridwork and to separate sodium from chloride. Both elements are ionized, which releases their stored energy and information.
The Concentration of Sole
Description: Sole in a water glassWhen the percentage of concentration of the Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole are talked about in the book Water and Salt-The Essence of Life, they mean the ratio of water to salt. Sole equals a fully saturated solution of water and Himalayan Crystal Salt. The water becomes saturated with salt when the water can no longer dissolve more salt. At this point, the salt crystals remain undissolved on the bottom of the jar, indicating that the solution has reached it's saturation limit. The water is now fully saturated with salt. This is what we call Sole.
Sole Solution is refered to as a diluted quantity of the concentrated Sole in water. When we take the fully saturated Sole and add water to it, we create a Sole solution. Many of the therapeutic applications for the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt require a Sole solution.
For Example:
A 1% Sole solution is 1 part Sole and 99 parts water. 
A 5% Sole solution is 5 parts Sole and 95 parts water. 
A n 8% Sole solution is 8 parts Sole and 92 parts water, and so on.
Water and Salt, The Essense of Life
 In a nine-week study undertaken in 2003 at the Inter-University of Graz, Austria examined the effects of Himalayan Crystal Salt on physical and psychological functions of the body. It is the only salt ever to have been the subject of comprehensive double-blind scientific research. The results of the study, presented in the book, Water & Salt - The Essence of Life by Dr. Barbara Hendel, M.D. and biophysicist Peter Ferreira, confirmed significant positive changes in respiratory, circulatory, organ, connective tissue and nervous system functions. Patients also reported increases in quality of sleep, energy and concentration levels, brain activity, weight loss, enhanced consciousness, and noticeable hair and nail growth.
Natural Himalayan Crystal Salt contains all the elements of which the human body is comprised. From the periodic table of elements we are familiar with 94 natural elements (stable as well as unstable). Apart from inert gases, all of these elements can be found in crystal salt. Hence, crystal salt contains all natural minerals and trace elements that are found in the human body. We perceive crystal salt as being the totality of all natural elements. This may not be entirely correct according to chemistry, however we will continue to use the term crystal salt in this context. The number of the respective elements contained in the crystal salt is biophysically irrelevant to this study.
Sajid Siddiqui


Start Each Day with a Healthy Sole

The ideal way to use Himalayan Crystal Salt is in the form of a sole (so-LAY). Drinking the sole when you awake each morning is like getting up on the right side of the bed. It provides the energizing minerals you need daily to recharge your body, and it helps set the stage for a day of vitality.
Essentially, a sole is water saturated with Himalayan Crystal Salt. The sole contains about approximately 26 parts of salt to 100 parts of water. Prepare the water and salt combination in advance (see directions to the right). Each morning place a teaspoon of the sole mixture in a glass and fill with 8 ounces of pure spring water. Drink it immediately or sip it while getting dressed, checking emails or preparing breakfast. The water helps transport the electrolytes throughout the body to all the many places they are needed.
The vibrational energy of the Himalayan Crystal Salt remains in your body for 24 hours.
A teaspoon of sole contains 480 mg of sodium, or 20% of the Daily Reference Value of 2400 mg based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet.

Making a 1% Sole Solution From Sole

Quantity of WaterQuantity of SoleApplication
1 Cup (8 oz.)1 1/2 TeaspoonsFor Eyes, Nose, Inhalation, Bathing
1 Quart (4 Cups)2 Tablespoons (Tbls.)
2 Quarts (1/2 Gallon)4 Tbls.
3 Quarts (12 Cups)6 Tbls.
4 Quarts (1 Gallon)1/2 Cup
2 Gallons (32 Cups)1 Cup
3 Gallons (48 Cups)1 1/2 Cups
4 Gallons (64 Cups)2 Cups
5 Gallons (80 Cups)2 1/2 Cups
6 Gallons (96 Cups)3 Cups
10 Gallons (160 Cups)5 Cups
100 Gallons50 Cups
Benefits of Drinking Sole
  • The sole supplies the body with the natural energy stored in the crystals and the body can hold this up to 24 hours.
  • Can harmonize the alkaline/acidity balance in the body and normalize blood pressure.
  • Can dissolve and eliminate sediments which lead to stones and various forms of rheumatism like arthritis and kidney and gall bladder stones.
  • Can lower the craving for addictive desires.
Salt has many benefits and physiological functions
  • Salt is most effective in stabilizing irregular heartbeats and, Contrary to the misconception that it causes high blood pressure, it is actually essential for the regulation of blood pressure - in conjunction with water. Naturally the proportions are critical.
  • Salt is vital to the extraction of excess acidity from the cells in the body, particularly the brain cells.
  • Salt is vital for balancing the sugar levels in the blood; a needed element in diabetics.
  • Salt is vital for the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in the body. It is used for local power generation at the sites of energy need by the cells.
  • Salt is vital to the nerve cells' communication and information processing all the time that the brain cells work, from the moment of conception to death.
  • Salt is vital for absorption of food particles through the intestinal tract.
  • Salt is vital for the clearance of the lungs of mucus plugs and sticky phlegm, particularly in asthma and cystic fibrosis.
  • Salt is vital for clearing up catarrh and congestion of the sinuses.
  • Salt is a strong natural antihistamine.
  • Salt is essential for the prevention of muscle cramps.
  • Salt is vital to prevent excess saliva production to the point that it flows out of the mouth during sleep. Needing to constantly mop up excess saliva indicates salt shortage.
  • Salt is absolutely vital to making the structure of bones firm. Osteoporosis, in a major way, is a result of salt and water shortage in the body.
  • Salt is vital for sleep regulation. It is a natural hypnotic.
  • Salt is a vitally needed element in the treatment of diabetics.
  • Salt on the tongue will stop persistent dry coughs.
  • Salt is vital for the prevention of gout and gouty arthritis.
  • Salt is vital for maintaining sexuality and libido.
  • Salt is vital for preventing varicose veins and spider veins on the legs and thighs.
  • Salt is vital to the communication and information processing nerve cells the entire time that the brain cells work - from the moment of conception to death.
  • Salt is vital for reducing a double chin. When the body is short of salt, it means the body really is short of water. The salivary glands sense the salt shortage and are obliged to produce more saliva to lubricate the act of chewing and swallowing and also to supply the stomach with water that it needs for breaking down foods. Circulation to the salivary glands increases and the blood vessels become "leaky" in order to supply the glands with water to manufacture saliva. The "leakiness" spills beyond the area of the glands themselves, causing increased bulk under the skin of the chin, the cheeks and into the neck.
  • Sea salt contains about 80 mineral elements that the body needs. Some of these elements are needed in trace amounts. Unrefined sea salt is a better choice of salt than other types of salt on the market. Ordinary table salt that is bought in the super markets has been stripped of its companion elements and contains additive elements such as aluminum silicate to keep it powdery and porous. Aluminum is a very toxic element in our nervous system. It is implicated as one of the primary causes of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Twenty-seven percent of the body's salt is in the bones. Osteoporosis results when the body needs more salt and takes it from the body. Bones are twenty-two percent water. Is it not obvious what happens to the bones when we're deficient in salt or water or both.
Himalayan Crystal Salt with therapeutic properties
Salt rock on displayHimalayan Crystal Salt refers to a specific crystal salt coming from a particular region in Northeast Pakistan and has been the subject of comprehensive medical research. Khewra Salt Mine is many thousands of years old and is the second largest salt mine in the world. Himalayan Crystal Salt contains 84 minerals and trace elements that are neccesary for health, and is a holistic, and natural salt that is much more than just sodium, and chloride such as refined table salt. These minerals have been subjected to enormous pressure, and have crystallized over millions of years. The higher the amount of pressure the more superior or excellent the state of order within the crystalline structure. Salt, for us, is foremost an information carrier and not a spice. For information to be absorbed into our cells, a crystalline structure is necessary. Chemically, a stone and a quartz crystal are both silicates. However, the vast difference in the amounts of pressure they were subjected to, distinguishes them. The quartz crystal embodies a perfect geometric form, a perfect state of order within its structure. The stone does not. Its elements are coarse, because it was not subjected to enough pressure to create a crystalline structure. Crystal salt layers wind through the mountain of salt, shimmering in transparent white, pinkish or reddish veins. Only with sufficient pressure were the minerals transformed into crystal salt. The elements trapped within are particles small enough to be able to pass through cell walls and be metabolized.
Salt Deficiency: the cause of many serious diseases
An eight-year study of a New York City hypertensive population stratified for sodium intake levels found those on low-salt diets had more than four times as many heart attacks as those on normal-sodium diets the exact opposite of what the salt hypothesis would have predicted. (1995). Dr. Jeffrey R. Cutler documented no health outcomes benefits of lower-sodium diets. Both sea salt and rock salt were well known to the ancient Greeks who noted that eating salty food affected basic body functions such as digestion and excretion (urine and stools). This led to salt being used medically. The healing methods of Hippocrates (460 BC) especially made frequent use of salt. Hippocrates mentions inhalation of steam from salt-water. We know today that the antiinflammatory effects of inhaled salt provide relief from respiratory symptoms (c). Thus, 2000 years ago, Greek medicine had already discovered topical use of salt for skin lesions, drinking salty or mineralized waters for digestive troubles and inhaling salt for respiratory diseases!
Salt Reduction?
Roy Moxham: "In recent years there has been much publicity about the need to reduce salt consumption in societies where salt is added to many processed foods (Denton 1984, 584-7). It has tended to be forgotten that some salt intake is absolutely necessary; that people need salt, sodium chloride, to survive: The chemical requirements of the human body demand that the salt concentration in the blood be kept constant. If the body does not get enough salt, a hormonal mechanism compensates by reducing the excretion of salt in the urine and sweat. But it cannot reduce this output to zero. On a completely salt-free diet the body steadily loses small amounts of salt via the kidneys and sweat glands. It then attempts to adjust this by accelerating its secretion of water, so that the blood's salt concentration can be maintained at the vital level. The result is a gradual desiccation of the body and finally death."
Salt BookThe past president of the American Heart Association, Dr. Suzanne Oparil of the University of Alabama-Birmingham, said her personal view is that the government may have been too quick to recommend that everyone cut back. "Salt restriction as a solitary recommendation for the population for the prevention or the treatment of hypertension. An eight-year study of a New York City hypertensive population stratified for sodium intake levels found those on low-salt diets had more than four times as many heart attacks as those on normal-sodium diets the exact opposite of what the salt hypothesis would have predicted."
Perfectly formed crystals of mineral rich salt
Himalayan Crystal Salt is one of the most profound re-discoveries of our time. For centuries, the energy/information content, in the form of vital mineral elements locked away within these perfectly formed crystals of mineral rich salt, were utilized by doctors for treating most every disorder known to humans, and with unfailing success. Recently. this ancient knowledge was once again uncovered by biophysicists and brought to light in the acclaimed book,Water and Salt, The Essence of Life,