Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Study Reveals Profound Life-Giving Properties of Himalayan Crystal Salt

Results of a comprehensive, scientific research project studying the effects of water and salt on a myriad of body functions reveal some impressive indicators about the affect that drinking Fiji Water and taking Himalayan Crystal Salt can have on the body.
A nine-week double-blind university study undertaken in 2003 at the Inter-University of Graz, Austria, examined the effects of drinking a minimum of 1.5 liters of tap water per day with common table salt vs. a minimum of 1.5 liters of FIJI Water with Himalayan Crystal Salt on physical and psychological functions of the body.
In the study, patients who drank Fiji Water together with the Himalayan Crystal Salt saw significant positive changes in respiratory, circulatory, organ, connective tissue and nervous system functions. Patients also reported increases in the quality of sleep, energy and concentration levels, brain activity, weight loss, enhanced consciousness and noticeable nail and hair growth....
Metaphysical Properties
Salt Sole RocksThe energy vibration of the translucent crystals of salt amplifiy the ethereal fluid in the etheric body and the crystalline properties in the physical body. Crystalline properties in the physical body are found in cell salts throughout the lymphatic systems, thymus gland, pineal gland, red and white corpuscles, and regenerative properties within the muscular tissue. Amplification of the body's crystalline properties increases clairvoyance, telepathy, and receptivity to healing. Our human energy field operates on similar principle of electromagnetism, therefore, the translucent salt crystal becomes an extension of our own vibrations. The energy will intermingle with our own, and when properly programmed through meditation, can liberate the mind into discovering potentially unlimited awareness. In order to gain more conscious knowledge about our emotional, intellectual and physical states, we share our energy with the crystal salt. The combination of our relatively inconsistent vibrations together with the balancing ones of the crystal, can bridge the gap between our physical, mental spiritual selves. The astrological sign of the crystal salt is Pisces, and the vibration number is one.
Rediscover your inner self.
No Thoughts and No Actions Without Salt
Remember, energy and information are two terms used to describe the same thing. Even the simplest processes in our body need salt, or its inherent elements (ionized energy). Our nervous system is really a sophisticated energy network. It transmits stimulation that is recorded via sensory input (all of our senses are actually energy receptors, our eyes receive waves of energy,information in the form of light frequencies, our ears receive sound frequencies or patterns of energy and our nose senses odors, also electrical charges in the atmosphere) Everything in the universe works by the fundamental principals of energy! Anyway, these sensory inputs that travel to our brain are passed on to to our muscles in order for them to react to the respective stimuli (electrical current). An electric potential occurs on the membrane wall of a cell when the positively charged potassium ions leave the cells and the positively charged sodium ions cannot enter due to their size. The outside becomes positively charged and the inside, negatively charged. When a nerve cell is stimulated, its membrane suddenly becomes polar opposite and is permeable for the sodium ions, allowing the electrical charge to enter. Without the elements of potassium and sodium is salt, none of this is possible. Not even a single thought, let alone an action, is possible without their presence. First comes the thought, a wave of energy received in the brain. This thought is nothing more than an electromagnetic frequency. The salt is responsible for enabling this frequency to transmit commands to the muscles and organs.
Salt Crystal Lamps
According to research, the heated salt crystal lamps can be referred to as natural ion generators. When the sun heats up our largest natural salt solutions, the oceans, it generates the natural energy vibration that our entire global environment consists of. The Translucent salt crystal creates exactly the same natural energy field. Scientifically speaking, this natural ionization process takes place millions of times, invisible to the eye, and without any influence of the quality of the crystal. Similar to the concept whereby tree leaves absorb dangerous dioxides and transform them into essential oxygen, without damaging the plant.
Crystal salt is one of the few minerals whose atomic structure is bound electrically, not molecularly. This characteristic of the mineral structure enables the crystal to change back and forth from crystalline to liquid state. This natural ionization creates an electric charge, a pure natural energy vibration.
The crystal salt lamp can help neutralize the positive ions and electromagnetic field frequencies. Therefore, our human energy field will be balanced through the harmonizing energy vibration of the crystal. This can help with relaxation, strengthen the immune system, the heart, the adrenals, the thyroid, to mention just a few of our major physical body functions.
Mohd.sajid siddiqui


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